Monday, November 29, 2010

November Math Bio

We had a "two for one" journal club on the 2nd. One paper was about reading scientific papers (for our new students), then we started to look at a Wolbachia paper. We continued to discuss the Wolbachia paper and model at our next workshop. The students worked to dissect some of the equations in the paper- and we learned about the importance of "hidden 1's".

Our green enchiladas were from Habaneros (yes, back to green), and were devoured in short order. The average dipteran rating was 4.0 (on a 5-point scale, where 5 flies is the highest rating). Some of the comments included:
"very chicken-y"
"moderately spicy"
"not spicy enough"
"too spicy"
"perfect spice"
"good flavo(u)r"

As you can see, we have a range of tastes and tolerances for the green chile!

Here is a link for Habarenos, in case you'd like to form your own opinion:

October Professional Development Workshop

Our two senior students were kind (brave?) enough to share their draft personal statements for peer review. We had looked at suggestions for writing strong personal statements, so we had these in mind as we reviewed for our Math Bio seniors. They both got constructive feedback, and will be able to use this to revise their statements before their applications for grad school are submitted.

October Journal Club and Welcome Reception

We welcomed our new Math Bio students with a journal club and *red* enchiladas- yes, RED. As you can see from the reviews, red is just not as popular with the Math Bio group here at NMSU. So while we will go back to green in the future, it was good to have tried something different!