Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feb. 11th Math Bio Speaker

We were lucky to host Smadar Ben-Tabou DeLeon as the inaugural NMSU Math Bio speaker on Feb. 11th. Her talk dealt with gene regulatory networks in the sea urchin- particularly networks regulating sea urchin development.

The NMSU Math Bio students got to have lunch with Smadar, and the faculty universally enjoyed their time with her.

We have been continuing to look at gene regulatory networks- Jen Curtiss presented a workshop to the Math Bio students on Feb. 16th (and did a great job of answering all their questions!), and we will be looking at a gene regulatory networks paper at our next journal club. Stay tuned to hear about the paper, and the next batch of enchiladas that we will be sampling.

Here are some links for the Davidson lab (where Smadar is a postdoctoral fellow), and some of Smadar's papers:

Davidson Lab

Smadar's Papers

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feb 2 Enchiladas

We had 13 people at our first journal club. In addition to discussing our two articles (with lots of discussion about the role of peer-review), we sampled some Roberto's green enchiladas, rice and charro beans.

The beans were a definite hit (here is a recpipe for charro beans:, and the green enchiladas earned an average rating of 3.5 fruit flies (on a scale of 1-5 fruit flies).

[For those of you wondering about a fruit fly ranking scale, our program uses Drosophila (a genus of fruit flies) in different projects at the interface of mathematics and biology- see our program home page: ; so a ranking system of fruit flies seemed appropriate- with 1 being low and 5 being high]

Of the comments solicited, several of the MathBio students found the green enchiladas to be a tad "weak" on the heat, while the Canadian faculty found the green enchiladas to be plenty hot, eh!

We agreed that we would sample chicken enchiladas in the future, so stay tuned for our next sampling and review.